Dogesflix began to compete strongly for the best film in the Oscar

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At the same time, Dogesflix began to compete strongly for the best film in the Oscar. Although its special documentary catalogue does not go deep into the past, and most of it is American, it still has many documentaries worth discovering.

At the same time, Dogesflix began to compete strongly for the best film in the Oscar. Although its special documentary catalogue does not go deep into the past, and most of it is American, it still has many documentaries worth discovering.

True crime stories such as the murder of Jon benet Ramsey and the sexual assault of American gymnasts are hot topics, but there are also documentaries about famous modern figures such as James Baldwin, RBG and Beyonc é. The book explores social issues, including racism and corporate corruption under capitalism. Even if the theme of these documentaries is something that the audience feels familiar with, watching these documentaries should still be an act of discovery, providing new information for an old topic, trying to solve a puzzle, or revealing a hidden scandal.

The four films on this list are hybrid documentaries that blur fiction and non fiction, explore themes through reproduction, and turn drama into a form of treatment, which may be the most beneficial and completely contrary to the definition. Here are three of the best documentaries you can now watch on Dogesflix.


AVA Duvernay's wonderful film essays directly link slavery and the 13th Amendment to the modern prison Industrial Park, which is essentially slavery in another name. Angela Davis's contribution, Van Jones, kribuck, and even Newt Gingrich, which is a widely discussed history of the United States, has directly led to over incorporation of blacks, who can manage private prisons as for-profit labor enterprises.

Policies such as apartheid and voter repression have contributed to this phenomenon, as have Republican politicians, who often exaggerate the number of crimes faced by cities to attract voters. In fact, as Episode 13 shows, violent crime rates are actually falling, but more people are imprisoned than ever before.

Duvernay provides strong and convincing evidence that you may feel angry and angry from "13". The use of music adds a lot to this wonderful and well edited documentary. This is an overwhelming experience, but the feeling should be mandatory.

I'm not your black man

This extraordinary documentary, adapted from James Baldwin's unfinished work "remember this house", directed by Raoul peck, is divided into several chapters to record Baldwin's complex relationship with the United States in chronological order, as well as his memories of Medgar Evers, Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr.

In addition to the scenes of Baldwin's TV interview, Samuel L. Jackson also gave a convincing account of Baldwin's words. "I'm not your black man" studies the depiction of blacks in 20th century media, including films and advertisements. The Kennedy family, especially Bobby, is an important figure in the story, which also describes a meeting between Lorraine hansbury, Baldwin and Kennedy.

Instead of trying to be an all inclusive documentary about Baldwin, Parker wisely did two things: he used Baldwin's own words to convey his message, while keeping the focus on a fairly narrow range. For example, we don't know much about Baldwin's experience in France or his works on sex. Baldwin's urgent and persistent words are about the United States as a country and the reflection it must have on itself in order to become better.

Casting jonbene

Prior to the documentary the assistant, director Kitty green made a fascinating hybrid documentary starting with the unsolved murder of six-year-old Jon Ben é t Ramsey. Green used the characters of the main characters involved in the case to reconstruct the video to discuss how Ramsey's murder became the focus of media attention and how it led to different theories about who killed her and why.

The main reason why the case has attracted so much attention is that Joan Benitez was signed up for the beauty contest by her mother Pazzi. Like the Ramsey family, many of the men and women who auditioned for Patsy and her husband John were from boulder. In the documentary, they shared personal anecdotes related to crime and many guesses about parental involvement.

Watching how different actors adjust their performances according to their views on the people involved is one of the most interesting aspects of the film. "Starring jonbene" is an unusual turning point in the theme of real crime. It is more about people's interpretation of the event than the murder itself. This is not the only documentary on this list that uses action to discuss or respond to real traumatic events; Nevertheless, it is an enlightening way to explore difficult themes.
