The Benefits of Microlearning

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Microlearning thus consists of acquiring specific skills in a short period of time and with the right amount of information.

The Benefits of Microlearning

Microlearning thus consists of acquiring specific skills in a short period of time and with the right amount of information.

With the crisis we are currently going through, the managerial patterns established for decades are likely to be permanently impacted. Microlearning is one of these easily exploitable tools, which could allow a smooth transition to a new post COVID-19 management.

Microlearning reflects the way we learn outside of work
Many of us are already doing microlearning outside of the workplace: when we need to acquire specific knowledge or skills to solve a particular problem, many turn to watching a video or tutorial, for example. learning. We are used to pulling out our phones or tablets to have access to information at the right time. Since the confinement, the lines between personal and professional life blur and we expect to have professional experiences similar to those we have in our private life when we learn new skills on the job.

Microlearning is adapted to our dynamic and distracted work environment
Our work environment today is surrounded by noise and distractions, whether in the professional space or teleworking . Chatty colleagues and office noise are the biggest distractions at work, but a significant number of people are also distracted by their smartphones during office hours. This phenomenon is all the more frequent since teleworking is invited in the daily life of many employees. Distractions are indeed numerous and interfere with concentration. A study conducted by the University of California-Irvinerevealed that employees work on tasks for about 11 minutes before being interrupted by their phones, emails or coworkers. But in those 11 minutes, people tend to engage in several small tasks of around 3 minutes. Microlearning respects these constraints and delivers exactly the information employees need to achieve a specific goal in minutes. Compared to more traditional formats like hour-long classes or day-long workshops, microlearning is much easier to fit into an already hectic workday.

Microlearning facilitates memorization
Hermann Ebbinghaus popularized the concept of " spaced learning " which suggests that learning is more effective when spaced out over time. When we revisit or rethink concepts, we help them become more present in our minds. According to Training Industry, "the more we repeat and use information, the more likely it is to end up in our long-term memory."

Thus, microlearning facilitates the regular review of concepts rather than trying to integrate everything in one session. Research published in Applied Cognitive Psychology found that 90% of participants improved their efficiency when they spaced out their review sessions rather than condensing them the night before a test. Since microlearning only takes a short time, it is much easier for employees to engage in this content, in order to consolidate their knowledge.

Microlearning is ideal for learning on the job
According to the 70/20/10 learning model, individuals derive 70% of their knowledge from work-related experiences, 20% through interactions with other people, and 10% through formal educational events. An article from Training Industryexplains: "The creators of the model take for granted that the practical experience (the 70%) is the most beneficial for the employees because it allows them to discover and develop their professional skills, to make decisions, to take up challenges and interact with influential people like managers and mentors at work ". In addition to content that adapts perfectly to a classic working day or teleworking, the format of microlearning is appreciated by most employees. Indeed, 58% of employees surveyed by Software Adviceclaim that splitting online content into multiple, shorter lessons would make them more likely to use their company's online learning tools. This statistic highlights the need to provide workers with quickly usable content, while their autonomy grows day by day.

The workplace continues to evolve, with ever increasing demands on time management and employee performance. Microlearning can then help employees focus their learning and attention when they need it, leading to greater engagement but also less opportunity for distraction in their workspace.
