If I had to choose between Dragon Dagger

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One thing I am certain concerning is divination. I'm not keen on it, however I must train for to at least some...I would like to keep it off until they come up with RS gold better experience training strategies for it. (I'm thinking that 48-70 would be the ideal goal in the present)

Another Adventure I'm a bit keen to try is these new instanced boss fights * KK, etc) even if it's just on the simplest current level. Another thing I've been lazy about but that I'd like to do is 110 dungeoneering ( more like 105ish at this moment? ) This could take me for a while since I'm played by myself.

To complement the dungeoneering I will probably also try out this task master I have been hearing a lot about. After having tried four different things though..I would like to have more ideas. I'm hoping for 8-10 concepts total.

I'm not even sure what to suggest because I'm not aware of what you enjoy doing, but here's a list with random goals that might help you get some ideas. I'd like to achieve: The top level (6) PK Hood (looks awesome), I have tier 3 atm as well as the Commander MA award and 300 MA rank for the rings that are imbued; 75 Soul Wars zeal for an Abyssal Demon pet; Runecrafting robes (both those from Runespan kinds (look cool) as well as the RC Guild ones (pretty practical)).

Quest cape (you probably already have it but in case you don't it's an enjoyable and fascinating goal) and Top Chompy bird's hat (personally I like the red one, however the yellow is only 2 more kills) Minigames Hybrids gear; 99 Construction so I can build an awesome home (I know it's technically training the skill, but my goal here is to construct a cool house , and not to simply to get 99). I'm sure I have a few more, but I'm unable to remember them as of now.

I've been off RS for about three years and am hoping to return. I've been studying some of the recent updates that have been made available during my absence, and am just beginning to figure things out, somewhat.

I realised Dual Wielding has been released, and I have some questions. In the past, when I played, I used an Abyssal Whip as well as one Dragon Defender. Given that Dual Wielding has come out I was thinking what it would be like to play with an offhand weapon in addition in the Defender. That brings the next issue.

Which weapon offhand should I choose if I want to use Dual Wielding? I had a feeling it was the Abyssal Whip offhand copy I couldn't get at the moment, as I lacked the necessary abilities. So I concluded that either an Dragon Scimitar or a Dragon Dagger would be ideal however, I could be totally wrong.

If I had to choose between Dragon Dagger Dragon Scimitar for an offhand weapon, how do I determine which to choose? The reason I'm asking this is because after having gone through Runescape Wiki, it says that both Dagger Scimitar are equipped with exactly the same Damage (576) and accuracy (1132). This leaves your preference of which you prefer the appearance of or different? I have noticed how Dagger is cheap OSRS gold more expensive. Dagger is actually a lot less expensive though, so I was thinking about why you'd prefer the Dagger over the Scimitar. Scimitar.
