Now, to answer your query about stab/crush/slash weapon Let me show you the weaknesses of monsters using an illustration. Steel dragons are invulnerable to OSRS Gold Water spells. What this means is that you'll have the maximum accuracy when it comes to Magic (Water spells in particular.)
In the same way, if a creature is weak to Crush or crush, such as Jadinkos that means melee is the most accurate way to attack them, and Crush is the best style. However, Range or Mage will suffer from lower accuracy. (Although at higher levels, your equipment tends to be good enough that it doesn't make a huge distinction.)
For the end, keep your Dragon scimitars and don't purchase additional melee guns. They're sufficient for all things that are not suited to melee. As for dual wielding and magic. It's likely that you don't possess anti fire potion so avoid dual using. Also, dual wielding allows the use of a shield and the Rejuvination/Resonance abilities.
Similar to elementsal spells. Personally, I have a ton of elemental runes in my stash, so I'm always able to use the weakness of the monster. It's entirely up to you as you'll have enough success using air spells.
If you're in EoC it isn't necessary to Buy RS 2007 Gold have to resort to using protection prayers to much. The healing abilities- Rejuvenate and Guthix's Blessing Ice Asylum as well as Regenerate, when paired with a little food should be sufficient. Avoid spending money on them unless you are planning to use Soul Split, Turmoil, or Zealot increased normal prayers.