The second house describes how you interact with the material world, and what motivates you to do so. The 2nd house includes your values and self-expression. What possessions hold importance to you, where you tend to draw a sense of security from, and how you use money can all be related to this house. It also reflects the relationships in which the important people in your life are perceived as sources of support or threat. In addition, it relates to your body type, bodily strengths and weaknesses, habits that affect health/wellness (such as smoking), physical activity levels, personal appearance, food preferences and addictions. The 2nd House also endows certain character traits associated with these areas - focus on material security, being a workaholic or having a healthy lifestyle.
The second house "radically affects" the first house because it contains the planets nearest the Ascendant.
How can you use this information to your advantage?
The 2nd house houses two of the most important and personal planets in your chart – Sun and Moon – as well as several key points that describe our deepest instincts. You can find out where these symbols reside in your natal birth chart by using our free online birth chart generator . This is an important place for understanding what motivates you toward success or failure. In addition, there are also some other interesting influences found here: Saturn's sign shows how much discipline you have with material resources, while Venus' placement shows how you value yourself based on the relationship to money.
The second house is sometimes called the Money House because of its connection with financial matters, but it is important to remember that not all wealth derives from cash flow. We can be wealthy in time, love or skills as well as possessions. Learning to work with the energy of this house brings us much closer to achieving our potential.
Examples of how 2nd house can be interpreted in a person's chart:
When Sun is located here- This person tends to have an innate understanding of what motivates themselves and others, along with an eye for opportunities . Whenever possible they are ready to take action towards making their dreams come true. They are also willing to share their talents with others without expecting anything in return. But when Sun falls here they could be self-centered and overly concerned about their own interests. It is important for these people to learn to include others in what they do by sharing their talents, allowing other people's interests to become equally important to them (and knowing when NOT to shine the spotlight exclusively on themselves). When the Moon is located here - This person has dynamic instincts which allow them to easily read into situations that exist between people. They are able to go out of their way for others regardless of whether or not there is a clear benefit for themselves . However, this placement can also have some negative effects if the Moon falls opposite from the Sun - making these individuals emotionally needy and trying too hard to get attention from the significant people in their lives. When Mercury is located here - This individual has a natural gift for spotting profitable opportunities in the material realm. They are also able to communicate these ideas effectively using effective language skills. However, when Mercury falls in the 2nd house these individuals can become overly concerned with finances, at times even obsessed or distrusting of others. When Venus is located here- Individuals struggle with finding their true value when Venus resides in this position . It's common for them to often feel unworthy of love and affection, leading them to avoid close relationships in some cases (especially when they feel like they don't deserve it). These individuals need to regularly express their appreciation towards other people in order to maintain positive relationships throughout their lifetime (which also has practical implications with regards to interpersonal dynamics). When Mars is located here- Being a natural fighter, people with this placement are usually willing to go to great lengths to achieve their goals. These individuals have an eye for hidden opportunities – but they have a tendency towards reckless behavior and taking shortcuts in life which can backfire on them . They need to develop the ability of seeing the big picture before jumping into action.
When Jupiter is located here-
This could be a very financially fortunate position, though it also requires these individuals to develop a strong work ethic if they're going to successfully transform their dreams into reality . People with this position generally have extremely high standards - so even when they do succeed it's easy for them to become dissatisfied with what they've achieved because there's always room for further improvement. When Saturn is located here - These individuals can be very conservative in their approach to money, often feeling that they need to wait before anything good comes along. They tend to feel like pursuing their dreams is just an unnecessary waste of time . Learning how to let go and allow other people into their lives may help them loosen up a bit (though could also open the door for further expectations).
Because these interpretations are based on generalities, it's important to realize that within any one chart there are always exceptions. For example, if your Sun is located here you might still find yourself struggling financially because of what factors other than your sun sign contribute towards forming your overall financial situation (such as placement of Mars or Saturn, planetary aspects etc.) So while the information above should provide you with a general idea of how the second house is going to affect your life, it's always best to read each planetary placement in a chart as an individual entity.
Governs our personal finances, values and self-worth. The second house deals with those things which we consider "ours", including money , possessions, property and personal rights . When aspects are made between planets located in the 2nd House and other planets (especially those representing finances), this could indicate financial gains or losses depending on what other placements exist within that particular chart . A poorly aspected second house may indicate financial difficulties throughout one's lifetime. Conversely, a well aspected second house could indicate a much more financially fortunate existence.
2ND HOUSE IN THE NATAL CHART - Success is achieved when we find a proper relationship between our Ego, the Self and the outside world. Our possessions are extensions of ourselves. If we feel that our personal power is weak (which could be indicated by planets in a difficult aspect to Saturn or other planets representing power), then we will be more likely to develop an attachment towards objects that give us security; such as wealth and material items . People born with Uranus or Pluto located here often have multiple sources of income due to their natural rebellious nature and ability to adapt to ever-changing situations. If your Mercury is situated in this house you may be inclined toward pursuing a career which involves communication .
Conclusion -
The effects of the 2nd house can always be read in conjunction with other planetary placements, especially when it comes to interpreting finances. It's easiest for individuals whose Sun, Moon or strong personal planets are located here because their lives will revolve around money and self-worth issues . When you read about important factors in a chart (such as significant others), look closely at where the second house is located; often these people will attain everything they need through building successful relationships.