The Advantages of Freelancing

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Freelancing is flexible. Often times, you can work full or part time on projects of your choice, at times that are convenient for you.Work where you want

Freelancing can be a quick and affordable way to start working as your own boss, often from the comfort of home. The advantages of self-employment are numerous.

Set your own hours
Freelancing is flexible. Often times, you can work full or part time on projects of your choice, at times that are convenient for you.
Work where you want
If you want to be location independent in your career, freelancing is a great portable option for those who want to work from wherever they want. If you like to travel, you can work and travel at the same time.
Be an independent contractor
Although clients can (and usually will) set specifications for the work they want to perform, a freelancer is still an independent contractor, not an employee. I would be free to control how the job is completed. However, if your customers don't like the final product, you may be out of a job.
Get what you are worth
Freelancing allows you to set your own price for your services, which is often higher than what you would earn as an employee doing the same job. Make sure you charge enough to cover your overhead and compensate you fairly for the time it will take to get the job done.
It is affordable to start
If you have the ability to provide a certain service, you most likely also have the equipment or software you need to deliver it. You don't have to face high start-up costs unless you are very new to the process and need equipment, training, and experience.
There is a great demand
Although the freelance market is competitive, the need for quality, reliable freelancers is growing. Many companies have no employees these days and instead rely on a team of freelancers. Currently, this trend is growing as freelancers cost less to businesses than employees, even if they pay a higher rate, because they have no payroll fees or benefits.
You can pick and choose your clients
You will probably want to hire any client who hires you when you are starting out, but you also have the option of not accepting difficult clients, especially as you grow. You can even tell clients that you no longer want to work for them.
