How To Fix Erectile Dysfunction Problem

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Research suggests that a common denominator can be found in emotional stressors. If these stressors are combined with or result in anxiety or depression, then those who suffer from erectile dysfunction may be suffering from the stress.

Erectile Dysfunction refers to the inability to achieve or maintain an adequate erection order to have sexual pleasure. The majority of men suffer from this older than 65 but can occur at any age and due to many reasons. The process of having an sexual erection begins in our brains or thoughts and an erection signal is sent to our body that it is to release hormones and increase blood flow and circulation towards the penis. The penis gets larger due to the increased flow of blood and in response to muscle and nerve changes. So, if there's an issue in the process of maintaining or achieving an erection, the root problem and its solution may be difficult to identify because the causes could be physical or psychological or both.

Research suggests that a common denominator can be found in emotional stressors. If these stressors are combined with or result in anxiety or depression, then those who suffer from erectile dysfunction may be suffering from the stress. It is evident that if there is anxiety and background of erectile dysfunction it is possible that any sexual encounter could cause stress or depressive symptoms. The problem with a functioning relationship between the couple is that this issue is equally theirs, just as his. Inability to communicate problems in the bedroom could cause further tensions in the relationship and may cause feelings of dissatisfaction for both parties.

The physical reasons that could cause Erectile dysfunction can be numerous. A few of the most prevalent medical conditions are heart problems or high blood pressure. Also, arteriosclerosis which is a dilation of blood vessels caused by high cholesterol or excess fat. Other medical conditions are obesity, diabetes that is not controlled as well as low testosterone. The decrease in testosterone levels is part of aging and usually occurs after 40, at a rate of between 1 and 2 percent annually. A clinically low testosterone level is defined as having less then 300 nanograms per deciliter blood. Low testosterone symptoms can include Erectile dysfunction. Testosterone levels can be checked by your doctor . If low, testosterone may be given to get levels back to normal levels.

Environmental or lifestyle factors that have been proven to be common in erectile dysfunction , include medications adverse consequences, illicit use of Vidalista Black drugs smoking, alcohol consumption, and chronic back pain, which can include unsuccessful back surgery.

The treatment and prevention of erectile dysfunction must begin with a consult with your physician about ways to quit smoking, cut down on consumption of alcohol, reduce weight, and increase body fat by exercising and diet. In addition, your doctor could examine urine or blood samples to determine the ratio of cholesterol, test testosterone levels , and determine if you have diabetes. After all of these aspects have been assessed, your doctor could prescribe an oral medicine like Sildenafil, Tadalafil or Vardenafil. Malegra 200 Mg Online drugs help in a way to increase the natural levels of a chemical known as Nitric oxide, which relaxes the muscles of the penis to allow for increased circulation of blood and erection. The three medicines have been gaining popularity and have proved effective for men of all ages. However, it is important to note that they are prescription medications which require the advice of your physician to discuss the safety and efficacy of the medication as there are increased risks that are associated with those who use blood pressure medication or thinner medication, as well as test for the conditions mentioned previously.

Therefore, reduce your emotional as well as physical fatigue and stress. Train quit smoking, and eat healthier. Talk to your partner about a healthier way of life as well as with your physician about your overall health as well as treatments options. Your health...and the condition of your penis depends on it. Best wishes.
