There are numerous crafting materials you’re going to need

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There are numerous crafting materials you’re going to need in Final Fantasy XIV Online when you’re working your way up through many of the Disciple of Hand classes. Iron ingots are going to be an essential one you want to become familiar with. There are two ways you can obtain it. You can choose to pick it up from other crafters or purchase it from specific locations.

When you’re looking to have Iron Ingots crafted for you, you’ll want to speak with a Blacksmith or an Armorer. The Blacksmith will craft one at level 16, whereas the Armorer can craft some for you at level 13. Of the two, the Blacksmith has a higher chance of reaching the best quality at 866, where the Armorer can only reach 726 quality. Although, their crafting recipes for Iron Ingots are roughly the same.

Both classes will need iron ore, but the Blacksmith needs a Fire Shard, and the Armorer needs an Ice Shard. You can gather Fire Shards from Western and Eastern Thanalan and Middle La Noscea. They also drop from Fire Spirtes and Firemanes. Ice Shards can be found in the Central and South Shrouds, Western La Noscea, and Coerthas Central Highlands. They also drop from Corrupted Sprites and numerous fantasy xiv gil

Right now, there’s no official datamine leak about any upcoming Game Boy or Game Boy Color games sitting in the backend. However, the original datamine from 2019 did have several other emulators in place that were ready for Nintendo to add to the network whenever they were ready. These games would be a good way to increase the value of a Nintendo Online subscription.
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