Rune is one of the top nonmem, non-deg armour.

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I'd prefer higher numbers, but F2P training is not fast enough at levels 70 and up. I'm wondering whether it's worth it doing soul wars in order to RS gold gain some experience. I'd like to achieve an 74-83 range as well as 70 str up to 85. I'm curious if it'll take the whole month or less or if it really is worth it?

I was going to buy one of those game cards, or even pay using mobile(I doubt this because my mom just payed the bill, but it was not in good timing.) Or if I could get to 50 to 80 str in a short amount of time using a lower level account that would be amazing sauce as well. Are you aware of anyone who that can use the ultimate gamer card for two accounts?

Woo! It's certainly worth one monthat the very least in order to test it. Didn't Jagex have a promotion that you could receive a free week of membership, in the event that your account has never been changed before? One might need to check the facts I have on that. If it existed the promotion could have only be for a short period of time.

However, I'll repeat what excellent users have shared in this thread. You should join to have the wide world of Runescape is now available to you! There's lots more to explore, experience, and enjoy -- and the "pond" will, in the end, grows larger. There's a lot of moneymaking and xp-gaining chances in players. Do not get caught with soul fights because you'll want to kill everything after an hour or more. Ugh. Wretched mini game. Well, yeah! We'd love to see you log in to 71 in the near future!

I know there's a good reason that a lot members still use a rune platebodyas it comes with decent defense bonus and a affordable costs. But what is the natural next step up from rune in terms of nondegradeable plates? It could be a Bandos Plate, but that's way out of my budget.

Are there any other platebodies that can give greater bonuses than running? What other non-degradable bodies do you utilize for training? How much do they cost, and do you think it's worth the investment?

Rune is one of the top nonmem, non-deg armour. The second best is Granite Body, legs, helm and sheild. It is mem and need to have 50 str. to wield. However , it is among the strongest armours on the market possibly the heaviest. This means that it drains your energy in a crazy way. Also, it looks uncool, the entire set is worth less than 500k and is used mainly by bots, as ive been told.

Then there's the fighter torso as well as other equipment you could get by playing mini-games. Then its Dragon armour, which needs 60 def. But, if you cannot afford chain bod or plate bods, which cost 4.5M-5.5M in the range of 9m-10m You can also use a rane body with drag legs and medium helm. Don't go with granite body + dragon legs, thats the look of bots. I have Zammy platebody with Dragon Platelegs.. Looks awsome buy OSRS gold lol. The majority of higher gear are deg. Barrows gear can last 10+ hrs of combat, before repairs.
