by A Iankovskaia 2017 The evidence involved includes medieval Arabic geographical tradition ... 45 Naquib Al-Attas, Historical Fact and Fiction (Kuala-Lumpur:.... by A Idris 2015 Cited by 3 pursuing religious studies at Al-Azhar University in Egypt1 (Boyce, 1968; Dalton, 1967; Dato ... For Syed Muhammad Naquib Al-Attas ... Retrieved July 15, 2014, from http://fas.org/sgp/crs/mideast/RL34525.pdf ... Historical fact and fiction.. by NA Memon Cited by 22 The historical growth of Islamic schools in North America has been led by two ... Anglo Muslim converts.31 In fact, some scholars have traced the presence of ... Nasr and Naquib al-Attas was institutionalized through the establishment of the ... to be God in human form and introduced science-fiction-like teachings about a.. 22 Elmessiri himself argues that the end of history discourse employs an ... Iqbal, but originate more recently with Syed Muhammad Naguib Al-Attas. ... structure experience and judgment such as between fact and fiction, true and false.. by AFA Hamid 2021 al-Attas, Syed Muhammad Naquib. Historical Fact and Fiction. ... Awal di Kedah, http://www.sabrizain.org/malaya/library/gerakankedah.pdf. 0568ed2f18
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