Most new players will want to keep this feature on

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If you do set Nba 2k22 Mt the meter to off, you won't have the ability to see the shot meter in 2K22. There are benefits that this has, and we'll get to those in a moment. Let's first look at what you have to do in order to get rid of the shot meter on NBA 2K22.

To stop the shot metergo to the Settings using either the Pause Menu or from the Main Menu. Once you are in the Settings choose Controller Settings. Then, you should see the Shot Meter option. To ensure it stays on the On setting, you must set it. Like you'd expect the setting is Off to turn off the shot meter.

Most new players will want to keep this feature on. For more experienced players who are experienced in shooting and would like to take on a new challenge the option to turn off this setting will give you an advantage. In general, shots are given an edge when this setting is turned off. Furthermore, it will guarantee that during online play you will not be able observe your meter, and you won't be able to anticipate that you will rebound if you don't be able to get a green-release.If you search around the web, you're likely to find several "best MyCareer build" lists. These are fantastic, but what you really should be thinking about is thinking about the person you'd like to be and then build your character according to that. Unless you're planning to compete against the top teams within The City, you'll be perfectly content with whatever design you choose.

Personally, we prefer 2k22 mt playing a tough defense (blocks seem a bit overpowered at this point) while also setting up our teammates and scoring the odd three whenever defenses fall off. Maybe that's not your style, so you can play on the editing tool and come up with something you love. It's much more enjoyable by doing this.
