Automatically listed

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Your reminder will be recorded as a contact record and then automatically integrated into your Schedule feature. The reminders will be automatically listed

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 How do you set up an appointment for a particular contact:

 Select 'Contacts' from the left-hand menu. Then select the Contact Record you wish to create the reminder for.

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 Click "Add Reminder" at the top of your Contact Record.

 Enter both the date as well as the note you wish to associate to the reminder.

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 Click  Save.

 Your reminder will be recorded as a contact record and then automatically integrated into your Schedule feature. The reminders will be automatically listed

 You may refer to your contact's individual records.

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 Clicking the Calendar icon located in the upper right-hand upper right Outlook screen will allow you to sync reminders with your smartphone or Google calendar.

 reminder--almost like having your very personal executive assistant.
