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College Essay Tips

College Essay Tips

  • Believe it or not, the voice of a teenager Is Quite different from a Parent's, and we have gotten pretty good at spotting the gaps.
  • Choose a topic that's right for YOU -- something about which you're passionate. If you are not interested in what you are writing about, The best ideas for Themes come when you least expect them. . .write them down after you Are inspired, and also keep a running list in your telephone
  • Share Something Which's unique to your experience, or advice That we're unlikely to find out about you elsewhere on your program. Most significant is for You to Be genuine and be yourselfunless You Would like to Be a theatre major, it's way too hard to try to be what you believe we Need you to be. (And, truly, we just want you to be you.)
  • In sharing something about yourself, you don't have to share Everything about yourself. It's ok to be personalwriting about Growth and mistakes is great (perhaps even welcomed); however resist the impulse To be too casual or to over-share.
  • If you are passionate about an issue, don't avoid it because it might be controversial. At the same time, your essay topic does not have to be World-changing and does not have to demonstrate you are perfect. Sometimes the easiest topic leads to the best essay.
  • Be a good storyteller. Use a strong opener -- catch our attention Right from the start. Poignant moments in time, using a little bit of Reflection, often make great essays.
  • Show rather than tell. Use anecdotes, examples, and descriptions. Reduce the fat. (And resist the Urge to use the thesaurus!)
  • Revise often and ancient, proofread carefully, read it , and It's ok to have Somebody Else look over The essay to assist you catch things you overlooked, but do not over-edit and Make it sound as a research paper.
  • Remember, voice and substance are better than perfection.
  • Go to services where you can find philosophy essay topics  
  • You have got a great essay in you!