Another way to make runes is via Abyss. If you've completed stage 1 of Enter The Abyss miniquest you can now utilize it and craft Nature Runes and OSRS Gold if you don't it is necessary to complete the same to apply this method. Begin by acquiring an amulet for glory, then taking the Rune packs and your essences.
You can go to the wilderness north of Edgeville and you'll find Mage of Zamorak by speaking to this Dark Mage You can also teleport to Abyss. Inside you will be starting being skulled, which means that if you die you will lose everything. Use one of the tunnels to go from the outer ring into the inner rings. There is a need to remove obstacles such as mining rocks (which requires mining level) or cutting woods which block your way, so carry a small pickaxe or axe.
After you have completed that , enter the Nature Altar portal and make runes in the altar. Use Amulets of Glory to return to Edgeville bank, and repeat the procedure. Keep in mind that most of this procedure is performed at Wilderness therefore you could be at by other players.
It's worth taking a risk with the risk of losing your Graceful Outfit since it can be easily recovered, but it doesn't carry anything more valuable with you. While making Nature runes takes only 44 Runecrafting , it's the most profitable at 91, when you can create double Nature Runes. At this point, you can expect around 20k exp and 800k gold an hour.
In the future, you may choose to Law to Buy RS Gold Death Altar craft those at the Abyss. These Runes are crafted similar to Nature ones, though they aren't as lucrative.