This is MMOAuction's guide for OSRS blackjacking

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This is MMOAuction's guide for OSRS blackjacking. In this guide, we'll go over the subject of blackjacking and OSRS gold answer some questions like what it is and how to go about it and why you should do it. By reading this article, you'll achieve your maximum gambling skills in a matter of days. If you'd like to know more about it, there is everything you need in the information below, so let's get started.

Blackjacking is an ability which can be used for gaining experience in Thieving. It's based on the usage in Blackjack which is a member-only melee weapon to knock-out enemies and steal their money while they're unconscious.

Blackjacking is a possibility on the bandits of Pollnivneach. It won't work on Ardougne Knight. To begin Blackjacking players will have to finish Feud Quest which requires 30 levels in the skill of Thieving however the most optimal level in Thieving for starting blackjack is 45.

Before you can be able to finish Feud Quest and start blackjacking the game, you must be at level 45 for Thieving and this means that you'll have to utilize alternative methods before you begin learning with this one. The most efficient method of getting Experience in Thieving at low levels is through finishing quests like The Feud, The Golem, Land of the Goblins, and Troll Stronghold. If you are not sure completing missions is what you want and would rather focus on typical ways then you should use the following methods.

After reaching level 45 you can start blackjacking. There are three kinds of blackjack in Old School Runescape - Oak, Willow and Maple Blackjacks. Each of them can also be transformed into one of three specializations defensive, offensive or just a normal. This is not something you should be focusing on in the course of training since all the specializations are good, but make sure you are using the maple because this is the best. Shopping on the Grand Exchange will be the easiest way to cheap OSRS GP get the item. You can also complete first part of Rogue Trader minigame, which will reward you with it.
