In Disney's Hollywood's animated movie, Aladdin, many scenes have been made into 2D animation by the artists who originally helped create the movie. This means there are a few scenes that were not originally made for a 2D film and could be seen as being difficult to animate.One of those scenes is when Aladdin and Jasmine see each other for the first time in Agrabah, after Jafar has been thrown off of Jasmine's balcony. The scene was made into 2D animation because it would be very difficult to try to make the animators work on such a long and difficult scene. Many of the animators were not talented enough to create such a long scene and the animators would have been extremely tired and exhausted by the time they finished working on it. By making this scene into 2D animation, it would be possible for the animators to finish their work quickly and rest assured that they had actually finished creating something.Another reason why this scene was made into 2D animation is because it has been criticized as being too confusing. The scene shows a very fast alteration of time and the shots were filmed in a very quick way, meaning that it is hard to follow what exactly is going on. By making this scene into 2D animation, it would be possible to give the viewer an accurate description of what is happening during the scene.The director also felt that this scene was too complicated and difficult to animate so he decided to make it into 2D animation. 2D Animation: A Short Animation demonstrating 2D Animation in Disney's Aladdin The copyright owner for the above mentioned works is Walt Disney Productions wholly owned subsidiary Touchstone Pictures. The above mentioned works consist of drawings, paintings, tape recordings and other arrangements. The result of the works are original 2D materials of a creative nature. The original materials of a creative nature were created under the direction and control of the copyright owner. The previous work does not include any indication of ownership or right of ownership to any of the graphic images or visual representations, nor any indication that Touchstone Pictures has had access to any of these rights.In order for a 2D animation film to be registered for copyright protection, there must be some sort of graphic representation on paper that can be copied down into a drawing or painting on paper or canvas. This must also be an original piece of work for which the copyright owner has artistic control. The copyright owner must also show that this work is made by hand, not digitally as part of a computer program or as a digitally synthesized voice as opposed to a human voice. In addition, the copyright owner must show that they either created the work themselves, have been given permission from someone else to copy this animation from paper into their animation film, or have been given permission from someone else to copy this animation from paper into their animation film and show a clear visual representation of this animation in another medium such as another drawing or painting on paper or canvas.
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