Lock picking has a long history amongst hackers

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Police handcuffs can't restrain them. High security locks can't keep them out. Very little can thwart the lock picking and safe cracking skills of an elite group of Dutch hackers known as Toool.

But far from being some shadowy criminal fraternity, The Open Organisation of Lock pickers (Toool) is nothing more sinister than a sports club that meets in a pub once a week.There is a long tradition of lock-picking among computer experts and hackers, said Jos Weyers, a senior member of the club."Computer hackers like getting into areas of a computer that they are not supposed to, and lock-picking is really just analogue hacking - working out how a device works and opening it in a way that you are not meant to.

"A closed lock is a challenge - it's a red rag to a hacker."Weyers is at pains to point out that Toool only promotes lock-picking as a sport and not as a criminal activity."suspicious" people do turn up at the club's open nights hoping to learn how to gain entry to places that they should not, he said, but they are usually put off after about half an hour when they discover that lock picking is far from easy.

A Common Misconception
Because lock picking takes skill, ability, practice and patience, pickers like Varjeal say you're more likely to suffer a break-in at the hands of a bumbling robber armed with a crowbar than a set of lock picks.There's a misconception that teaching people a skill like this is going to mean that more people are going to use it for an illegal purpose than a legal one,Truth be known there are a lot faster and easier ways to bypass a lock rather than picking.
With lockpicking fundamentally humans are you know dexterous creatures we can understand mechanical bits, pushing themselves together in certain ways, and even newer or more complicated locks, with a quick explainer, they're usually accessible. And the real fun part is for the non technical crowd right if you are there are a new face in the hacker community, or if you're an old head, but you're bringing someone new in a lot of times they'll make a beeline right for the lockpick village is they'll say all this stuff is a big bright world you're going to get to it.

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