The best islands in Lost Ark: starter route

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Lost Ark Island Souls

Island Souls (also called Island Tokens) are the most important reward you can earn for completing an island challenge. You can get more information about the nature of these challenges by speaking to Opher who is located on The Lonely Island northwest of Pleccia (right left hand side of map). Once you've opened the dialog window Buy Lost Ark Gold, you can find the categories (such for 'chest' adventure quest' or "Rapport") by looking over the list with Island Souls.Opher is also the NPC to speak to if you'd like to trade your Island Souls for rewards. Give your Island Souls to the statue on the beach first (a bit further east) and then talk to Opher to acquire this item:

Lost Ark Adventure Islands

Adventure Islands are a daily final game activity. To locate one, launch Procyon's Compass and click on the 'appearance notification info' button. You'll see when and where the next Adventure Islands will appear. It will also show the recommended levels for each item as well as the expected rewards.

Sail to the Adventure Island and wait for access. The island isn't visible in the moment, but you're in the right spot when you see the maelstrom of a few of other boats congregating. When your Adventure Island appears, right-click to open. The co-op mission will start immediately. Simply follow the objectives and don't hesitate to ask for help through the chat room if you feel the mission isn't clear.

The best islands in Lost Ark: starter route

We recommend you visit each and every Lost Ark island eventually Lost Ark Gold for sale, however you may wish to start with the simplest to complete and rewarding islands first. The islands on this list are either easy to complete highly rewarding, filled with pandas and turtles or are part of larger questlines.
