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Who will come out on top, and who will be relegated to the losers' pile? This is the question that needs to be answered

Who will come out on top, and who will be relegated to the losers' pile? This is the question that needs to be answered. You will find a copy of our WOW classic gold  DPS Tier List provided here for your reference. We hope this will be helpful. To our great relief, all of those problems were fixed in TBC, and it would appear that the metagame's equilibrium has finally been restored as we get ready to move on to Wotlk, right? Those are the questions we need answered as we prepare to move on to Wotlk.


In the end, considering that this is a Classic game and that a sizeable portion of the available knowledge has already been unearthed, all that is left are a few pretty notable standout classes. Further down on this page, you will find our tier list for the best damage-dealing specializations for both PvE and raiding. You can access this list by clicking here. This is based on the assumption that when the Wotlk expansion is released, Blizzard will not make any changes to it. This list has been compiled especially for your use as a reference, and you should always pick the part that will give you the most satisfaction to play in the production.

In contrast to what is typically the case with tier lists, the vast majority of the expansion's specializations will, for the most part, continue to be playable throughout the entirety of the new content.


Arcane AssassinationRogue assassination

Frost Death is a member of the Mage's Order and a Knight.

Title of the Warlock of AfflictionA Death Knight who specializes in inflicting pain on their enemies. Defendant of the Unholy Death, Knight

A Tier:

DemonologyA person who is able to keep their equilibrium is called a warlock.

Priest of the Shadows Survival HunterAccuracy in target shootingHunter in Search of a Balance HunterPriest of the Shadows Survival HunterPriestess of the Shadow Flame, Flame Mage


B Tier:

Feral Druid Combat Rogue Enhancement

When it comes to the Vengeance of the Shaman, the Shaman is the one who is in charge of arming the Paladin ElementalWarriors.

C Tier:

Hunter who is also a Warlock of Destruction (Destiny), possesses the ability to control beasts and the rage of a warrior, and has been cursed by the god Destiny.

D Tier (imagine there is a very large gap between C and D:

Frost Mages combined with a ferocious death knight Rogues combined with a touch of stealthy sneakiness


Veterans of the S-Tier Damage Dealing Position Players Who Have Played WOTLK


  • You have just finished leveling up your brand-new and lovely DK to level 20, and you want to increase the amount of damage it deals, correct

  • You're in luck because the damage that DKs inflict on opponents tends to be quite high overall

  • Even though its power will shift throughout Wotlk, the Death Knight will still be regarded as one of the most reliable choices throughout the expansion

  • When it comes to classes that make use of ranged weapons, those are the two that you should focus your attention on preparing for the most

  • Due to the fact that the DOTs associated with Affliction Locks have a chance to deal critical damage, this ability is one of the most beneficial ones available in Wrath Classic

  • This is also due, at least in part, to the fact that the fights in Naxx are slightly more favorable to melee combat

  • This is something that has been taken into consideration when designing the fights in Naxx

  • The Arcane Mage is the final option available to select from among the classes

Damage Inflicted by WOW TBC gold Every Second Using the ClassicalA Tier

Oh, it seems to be the Hunter once more. Even if you aren't quite at your absolute best in the game, you are still able to take part in the raids that are available in Wrath of the Lich King. While Beast Master will struggle throughout the entirety of Wrath, both MM and Survival will do exceptionally well in this expansion. Affliction will always be one step ahead of Demo in the short run; however, in the long run, there won't be much of a gap between the two despite the fact that Affliction will always be ahead of Demo by one step. In Wrath of the Lich King, the Shadow Priest is more than just a mana battery; in fact, you'll see them smashing those damage over time (DPS) meters more often than anything else. The Shadow Priest in Wrath is more than just a mana battery for their team. The Fire Mage is the last class that must be unlocked in order to progress through the A Tier.

WOTLK Classic B Tier Damage Dealing Spells

From now on, we are going to refer to this level as the unstable level whenever we discuss it. Given these parameters, participating in the Wrath experience is going to be like going on an exhilarating roller coaster ride. Both the Ret and Arms specializations are going to be excellent examples of what are known as "late game specifications."There is nothing else left for you to do between now and then. It is more likely than not that Enh will have difficulties, and taking into account their past performance, placing them in B for the first tier might even be a bit of a stretch for the situation. Feral will eventually transform into Wrath, so it is important that you continue to play it throughout the entirety of the Naxxramas raid. It is the same story when it comes to Combat; at first, the Assassin will perform better than you, but as time goes on, you will find your footing and become more efficient. Either you give Demo a shot for a while or you just give up and start attacking people with DOTs. In either case, there are alternatives to consider. This should not come as a surprise. Your overall power, on the other hand, will gradually increase as you progress through the different tiers of the raid as you complete the objectives.

This Rogue is from the Classic Tier, and it's a WOW classic gold Damage Dealing Sub-Rogue!

This environment is not beneficial to your development, and you should make haste to get back to the Arena as quickly as you can.

Frost Mage –I am at a complete loss for words right now; I have no idea what to say in this situation. My recollections of OG Wrath are hazy, but I believe that the specialization that attacks people by throwing ice at them is not going to be very useful in an expansion that is full of ice. I don't recall a lot of details about it. You have the physique of a tank. You're built like a tank.
