AP Top 25 Week 7 rankings Houston tumbles after lo
Many of the AP's top 25 teams had a bye in Week 6, but we still saw
Alex Bregman Jersey plenty of changes in the polls.Surprisingly,No. 9 Tenne see's lo s to 8th-ranked Texas AM didn't budge the Volunteers' ranking.Houston, however, dropped seven spots after its shocking lo s to Navy. The top of the poll looks the same as it has in recent weeks, but
Anthony Gose Jersey there are still teams of note who made moves up and down the poll.WEEK 6: | Here are the (First-place votes
Preston Tucker Jersey in parentheses):1. Alabama 6-0 (56)2. Ohio State 5-0 (2)3.Clemson6-0 (2)4. Michigan 6-0(1)5. Washington 6-06. Texas AM 6-07. Louisville 4-18.Wisconsin 4-19. Tenne see5-110. Nebraska 5-011.Baylor 5-012.Ole Mi s3-213. Houston 5
Yuli Gurriel Jersey -114.Florida State 4-215. Boise State 5-016.Miami (Fla.) 4-117. Virginia Tech 4-118. Florida 3-119.Oklahoma 3-220.West Virginia
J.R. Richard Jersey 4-021.Utah 5-122. Arkansas 4-223. Auburn 4-224. Western Michigan 6-025. Navy 4-1MORE: