Report Police Baylor officials accused of covering

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Report Police Baylor officials accused of covering

The alleged violencesurrounding Baylor's football program apparently runs deeper than the public realized.ESPN's Outside the Lines of a saultand domestic violence involving Baylor football playersthat were quietly kept out of the public eye and remained largely unknown.MORE: According to police reports, multipleBaylor officials and coaches knew about the incidents and the players involved were hardly punished or mi sed any playing time.Baylor has been in hot water over the past year for how Tennessee Titans Pet Gear it has involving athletes, especially football players. The university hired Philadelphia law firm Pepper Hamilton to review how it has dealt withsexual a sault claims, but the review has yet to be completed.In one of the , a 2011a sault at an off-campus event in Waco ended with three football players being charged.Baylor and Waco police discu sed the incident, in which Waco police, according to Vince Young Jersey documents, took extra time and precaution to make sure the case was shielded from the public eye "given the potential high-profile nature of the incident."The file was placed in a locked office afterWaco police's investigating officer asked a commander that "the case be pulled from the computer system so that only persons who had a reason to inquire about the report would be able to acce s it."Another case has had an open-case status for four years. Under Texas law, if a case is still open, then it is shielded from the public.According to the Waco police report, a football player allegedlya saulted avictim, although both parties now deny the claims. Waco police reported that the woman has been involved in other allegations and has been known for being "deceptive."One alleged victim who was a Baylor student told Outside the Lines she went to Waco police in April 2014 and reportedthat her boyfriend, a Baylor football player, physically a saulted her on two occasions. The alleged victim also told OTL she toldteam chaplain WesYearyabout the incidents and that Baylor football coach Art Briles and Bobby Hart Jersey university president Ken Starr were also made aware of the allegations. She said no one at the university punished her ex-boyfriend.The woman said she didn't bother to pre s charges against her ex-boyfriend because she didn't think the school would discipline him and she was about to graduate."I'd seen other girls go through Trenton Cannon Jersey it, and nothing ever happened to the football players," she said. "It's mind-boggling to see it continue to happen. I can't understand why. I think as long as they're catching footballs and scoring touchdowns, the school won't do anything."BAYLOR: | Baylor playersDevin Chafin,Tyler Stephenson,Ahmad Dixon,Gary Mason Jr. andIsaac Williams were all named in incidents involving a saults aboutwhich reports were largely quieted.Stephenson, Mason and Williams were all accused of beating up a Baylor student in 2011, with Mason and Williams being arrested for misdemeanor a sault.According to Dixon, who spoke with Outside the Lines on Tuesday and was cited in a separate fight that night, Williams was suspended from the football team until July and Dixon just had to do community service, run extra laps at practice and help clean up the weight rooms.Baylor is now in the midst of a Title IX lawsuit in which multiple women have come forward to say the university was negligent about their claims.The university is also dealing with the fallout from the convictions of former linebacker Jeffery Simmons Jersey Tevin Elliott, who was sentenced to 20 years in prison fortwo counts of sexuala sault, and , who was found guilty of sexual a sault after Baylor cleared him.has also been in the spotlight for allegedly sexually a saulting a woman in April, two years after he reportedly a saulted another woman. Baylor allegedly knew about the 2013 incident.