For your character's level, the cap rises to 120 and the purchase of the expansion gives you the level 110 boost to use with your new or an already existing character. Also, new playable races that are allied to each other; Alliance includes an upgrade to the WoTLK Gold along with Void Elves Horde gets the Lightforged Draenei and Void Elves, while Horde is given Highmountain Tauren as well as Nightborne.
Blizzard confirmed that, in addition to its standard edition as well as Digital Deluxe editions, it will also offer a Collector's Edition to Battle of Azeroth. It will come with an unbound novella as well as a soundtrack and other.
World of Warcraft subscribers slide as Activision Blizzard sees profit fall 35 percent
Activision today announced its earnings for the quarter ending March 31, which revealed how World of Warcraft subscribers fell only a little while profits overall suffered a significant drop dropping 35 percent between $456 and $293 million.
In total, Activision Blizzard net revenue was $772 million during the quarter, which was down from $804 million in the same period last year. One bright spot on Activision Blizzard's profit and loss statement during the quarter was electronic revenue. It accounted for the majority of its total revenue. It's a record-breaking quarter.
Other highlights of Activision Blizzard's earnings announcement today include:
World of Warcraft: Ultimate Evil Edition is scheduled to launch on "console" in the coming months. It's confirmed for PS4 but not Xbox One. World of Warcraft subscribers have decreased between 7.8 millions to 7.6 million.Gamers had already pre-ordered more than 1 million copies of the World of Warcraft expansion WoTLK Classic. cheap WoTLK Classic Gold is scheduled to release during the "back quarter" during 2014. Destiny pre-orders are on the verge of breaking records for a brand new IP.Activision believes that a "shared-world" shooter will be an important new genre which is led by Destiny.
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