Study In Romania

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RMC Elite Education Service is part of the RMC Education Service Center. RMC Elite was established in the city of Delhi in the year 2000 almost two decades ago.

Romania is a country in Southeast Europe. Romania is located between the Balkans and Eastern Europe, so it borders Ukraine, Moldova, Bulgaria, Serbia and Hungary, and the Black Sea. By European standards, Romania is a large country. This means there is plenty to explore, see and do. Many international students find themselves in the capital Bucharest. But, unlike in many other countries, students can find themselves elsewhere. Romania has beautiful beaches, great bars, and views out to sea. Trains run from all over the country to the coastal city of Constanta, making it a perfect destination for international students.

top universities in Romania is a beautiful country with a diverse population, with a rich educational history. A blend of stunning natural landscapes, European cultures, and medieval castles, Romania is widely regarded as the inspiration for Bram Stoker's novel Dracula. Universities in Romania can offer international students a unique experience.

The application process to study in Romania is as follows:-

Passport: Travel Document A valid passport is mandatory to apply for Romanian courses. A copy of the same should be submitted along with the application form and other required documents.
High school diploma and minimum age: A high school diploma (baccalaureate, leaving diploma, etc.) or equivalent, giving access to university studies in the host country, is required to apply for studies in Romania. This means that the prospective student has completed the 12th standard in USA/Canada and elsewhere. In the UK he can work with you to complete A-levels. He must be at least 17 years old.

Self-financing: Tuition fees and living expenses during your stay in Romania: You must have your own form of financing your studies through your own funds, student loans, wonderful parents or generous sponsors, or other appropriate means.

Good Health: Applicants to study in Romania must be in good health (no communicable diseases or illnesses incompatible with future occupation) and demonstrate good social behaviour and the ability to integrate and interact with people in a mature study environment. All colours and nationalities.
Documents required for course approval:

Application for necessary authorization to undertake course;

Attested copy of Secondary School Leaving Certificate or other certificate proving that the applicant is eligible to commence studies in any University;

Attested copy of higher education diploma and transcript for Masters or Ph.D. admission. Of course;
