Get insight into how the customers respond to live chat service.

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Have you ever wondered how do people respond to Outsourced Live Chat service? What are their views and opinions? And how can we use them to solve the problems of potential customers? 

Given below are certain points that have been observed regarding the customers and what kind of information they provide that helps in updating the system. 

Frequent Problems: 

When direct interaction is carried out between the customer and representative we get to know about the problem that they are facing. 

When an entire team works on the same website for a considerable amount of time, they get to know about the problems which are common and frequently faced by the public. 

Critical areas:

When comes down to providing a service or product, every business tries to make it as perfect as possible. The entire process is checked frequently so that any leftover issue can be solved instantly.

But, even after the rigorous checking, one or two things are left. It is understandable as dummy checking cannot predict the kinds of issues that are encountered during the live process.

Instant Feedback:

During this whole instance, the chat representative and customer are in constant communication with each other. 

Genuine and quality feedback can be requested from the customer after their queries are solved or when they are ready to leave the website. 

Customizable approach:

Every person is different. Hence, the response, views, and requirements of every person are going to be different. 

This easily leads to questions that might not have been asked before. Such a situation cannot be tackled by a bot properly. Human intelligence wins in this scenario.
