How long does it take to fall in love?

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Researchers have conducted studies to find out how quickly sympathy appears at the first meeting. It turned out that in order to fall in love at first sight, 59 milliseconds are enough.

When you are told about love at first sight, it can be hard to resist rolling your eyes or other reaction with a similar message. But science says anything is possible! And that's why.

Neuroscientists from the University of Bamberg in Germany have found that one-third of a second is enough to fall in love with a person, DailyMail reports. Professor of neuroscience Klaus-Christian Carbon conducted a study during which students looked at photographs of people. While romantics claim that it only takes a minute to fall in love, scientists have found that feelings appear much faster.

Experience has shown that in 244 milliseconds people identify gender, and a verdict on the attractiveness of an object is made in just 59 milliseconds.

Professor Carbon noted that the subjects assessed the appearance of people quickly and based on common stereotypes of attractiveness for one or another gender. "It will sound unfair, but an attractive appearance really opens all the doors in our lives.

Attractive people are considered smarter, they demonstrate greater life satisfaction," he said. It is noted that the reason for the study was dating in social networks and dating applications.

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