6 Signs Your Dog is Happy

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Sometimes, you need to be a bit of a detective to find out how your dog is feeling. Here are some signs your dog is happy...

Owning a dog can sometimes be a bit tricky. Your funny dogs can’t verbally tell you if they are happy or sad, or hurt or sick. Sometimes, you need to be a bit of a detective to find out how your dog is feeling. Here are some signs your dog is happy: 

  1. Their Ears and Mouth Are Relaxed

When a dog is on alert, their ears will perk up if possible. If you notice that their ears are relaxed, your dog is probably happy and relaxed. If their ears are pricked, it could simply be a creak in your home, or something more. The same concept applies to your pup’s mouth. When dogs are happy, their mouths are usually open a bit and it can almost look like your dog is smiling. But, if their teeth are bared, something is probably wrong. Try to help your dog calm down and when the ears and mouth relax, your dog is once again happy!

  1. Your Dog is Showing Calm Body Language

Calm, relaxed dog body language is usually a sign of a happy, comfortable dog. When your dog is happy and relaxed, their bodies will be looser and more relaxed. They may be lounging and napping.

When they walk, they will carry themselves differently than when they’re tense. When a dog is happy, it will jump constantly, twist its ears back, stamp its feet on the ground or wag its tail hard from side to side. Large dogs may also lift their front legs. When happy, dogs are more willing to interact with their owners, such as making "woofing" noises towards them and licking their hands and faces. Dogs will use their noses to make "grunting" noises when they are being pampered.

  1. They’re Showing Happy Tail Movement

One of the easiest signs your dog is happy is a tail wagging! However, it is important to pay attention to the rest of their body. Is their tail wagging but the rest of the body is not?

This might mean your dog is on alert. But, if your dog is enthusiastically wagging their tail with their whole body, they are happy. If the dog comes forward and arches its head or rubs against you, or even looks into your hand, it means they are happy and want you to pet its little head. You should know that this is only when the dog likes you very much and wants to be close to you, they will do so.

  1. Your Dog Exhibits Non-Destructive Behavior

Your dog’s behavior can be a clear indicator of happiness. If they are happy and content to play with their chew toys, they are in a good mood! But, if they’re destroying other things that are not their toys, they may be on edge about something. When the dog sits on your feet with its back to you, it means it trusts you and is willing to show your back to you, has no defenses against you and is very relaxed and at ease around you. Here we recommend you teddykala’s dog couch, which can help your dog feel more comfortable.

  1. They Have a Healthy Appetite

Is your pup excited for mealtimes? If they are ready for dinner and happily eat their food, then your dog is likely happy and content. But, if they suddenly avoid meals, they might be uneasy.

Try to pinpoint what may be causing anxiety, or what else could be going on. Extended loss of appetite is one of the symptoms you should never ignore in your dog. So, be sure to check with your veterinarian if this behavior lasts more than a few days.

  1. Your Dog’s Barks Are Happy Barks

Dogs communicate with us via barking. It’s important to know the difference in types of barks so you can help your pup. A happy bark is usually a bit higher-pitched than other types of barks. But, be sure to take into account other signs to help you know whether your dog’s bark is a sign of happiness or not. 
