Players Have a Negative History with Dragons

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A fan named WoTLK Classic Gold Warped_Unicorn has created an internet meme on it, which reveals the fate of the dragons who were transformed to evil and Alexstrasza at the lowest. It is hoped that the writers won't turn to such an extreme and stay loyal to Red Dragon.

Other races may have been better

World of Warcraft has tons of iconic humanoid species which is why many players have been asking for their inclusion as playable characters in the game for quite a while. Battle for Azeroth brought a set of allied races, offering players a wider selection of characters, but the players are still waiting for introductions of beloved races such as gnolls, murlocs, and ogres.

One Redditor dorm_five 1 makes use of the latest meme format from the trailer for Thor: Love and Thunder. It shows Thor dressed as a Dracthyr with a wig, in right in front of Peter Quill (representing the playerbase) who is looking lovingly at the multitudes of beloved characters that are in the background. Warcraft is among the most enchanting fantasy worlds and the species that inhabit it are part of the reason for it.

The Cinematic Was The Movie was boring

While some may find the cinematic trailer from Dragonflight to be boring however, some have a love for the movie's Titan protagonist. Some consider the lack of antagonist and clear storyline to be a major issue, while others are excited for the simple, exploratory content. One Redditor expressed their gratitude for it, stating "this new game is fairly simple Warcraft themes (Titans or dragons) and tells an interesting tale of an Chad Titan viewer who saves the daywhile grieving that his friends lost their lives." The Titan has been a popular source for a variety of memes and fan-generated chatter.

Players Have a Negative History with Dragons

Malygos, Neltharion, Nefarian, Deathwing. The list is endless of the numerous Drakes and Dragons players have been forced to defeat during their adventures through World of Warcraft. Many have pointed out buy WOW WoTLK Classic Gold the absurdity of the Dracthyr joining one of the Horde or Alliance since a lot of players even have armor and weapons that have Dragon bone in the armor.
