During the pre-launch event for World of warcraft TBC, Bolvar was a key player

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The newest 8th WoW expansion, World of warcraft TBC is now available to take adventurers on a journey through the various realms of the afterlife. While the biggest story points concentrate on characters such as Sylvanas Windrunner and Jailer, the players will be able to meet most likely one among the Lich Kings, Bolvar Fordragon at the wow classic tbc gold  beginning of the game. However, since World of warcraft TBC focuses on death, does that suggest that players will meet both Bolvar and the first Lich King, Arthas Menethil from World of Warcraft's Arthas Menethil, in the game?

During the pre-launch event for World of warcraft TBC, Bolvar was a key player. Sylvanas was able to defeat and confront the Lich King. Then, he shattered the Helm of Domination, effectively setting the stage for the major expansion. A short time later, Bolvar (and players) attend the World of warcraft TBC to be able to stop Sylvanas.

After stepping into the world that are the realm of afterlife, gamers will be first welcomed to the Maw the Maw, which is used in World of warcraft TBC' endgame. However, if events cause players to leave the Maw upon first arriving in World of warcraft TBC, they'll be able to return to the Maw by end of the expansion. The most famously, Arthas Menethil was cast into the Maw following his demise as Lich King over a decade ago. In light of this, some people speculated that Arthas might be part of the upcoming WoW: World of warcraft TBC expansion.

The Maw is mostly used for World of warcraft TBC' final game content, so it makes sense there's a chance that Warcraft's Arthas Menethil will be there. A majority of the content will be related to Sylvanas in that she lost her life to Arthas in Warcraft 3 before Arthas resurrected her. As Sylvanas is such a major role in WoW: World of warcraft TBC with such an extensive and long-running relationship with Arthas and Arthas, it only makes sense he'll show up in some way.

As we approach the beginning of the endgame content for World of warcraft TBC, Sylvanas announces her plans to change how the afterlife is arranged. Although her motives aren't fully explained (Sylvanas remains Sylvanas at the end of the day) however, it definitely opens the door for players and Sylvanas to get together with World of Warcraft's Arthas Menethil again. It's likely that Arthas will be revealed at some point when it comes to World of warcraft TBC, even if it's an update that will be released after launch.

An iconic character such as Arthas Menethil will definitely appear in the expansion in some time. He's already been taken to the Maw, which makes sense that players would run into him in that area. But, it could be that his appearance is being reserved for the later sequence of events in the game as that would be a massive event to reveal. If Arthas hasn't been revealed in World of Warcraft: World of warcraft TBC, it could be a significant missed opportunity. Chances are good, though that he'll show on the scene at some point.
