The Red The red Stones in the city are scheduled daily

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40 copies of 4 will yield around 120.000 gold coins, weapons maybe 10.000-20.000. And, in general, an income of approximately 180.000. If you're fortunate Elyon Gold, the purple fragile will yield more profit. When you are less than 42 levels. you can perform daily tasks for each account. It is suggested to complete RVR tasks each day. The rewards are substantial and swift, and gems can be exchanged for money. When you reach 41. Do the main line. start the daily of this place, you can take a daily walk in this area, and you will need to build up the stone.

Visit the three border cities to pick up the RVR task. Make sure not to pick up monsters (it seems to be at the bottom, fifth and you can translate it to determine which monster is it) and the remaining can be picked up. The 41 and 42 enhanced Stones don't pick up the BOSS, instead they give 2 enhanced Stones (because the person who is picking it up will not be able to complete the task.).

42-43 The Red The red Stones in the city are scheduled daily, and then it is the same process that disassembles unnecessary equipment and sells the Enhanced Stones. 42 is also the time to open the blue strengthening stone. Profitable. It is profitable. The stone that enhances red is now fixed, and you will need to increase the strength of your green equipment until it is +4. You can then sell holes and earn money.

As you get to the level 42. Take RVR 42-44 in order to get the blue enchantment task. If you're part of a team the greatest benefit is the spaceship challenge. This task is best played with 4-5 players in the group, as one player will not be able to complete it cheap Elyon Gold. There will be the red or blue enhancement stone, and 10.000 dollars of gold. In addition, red hunting points can be exchanged for various rare items.
