What is Kitsûe

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It is a Japanese rice cake traditionally made from glutinous rice, sugar, and egg. You can also call it “rice cake.”

What is Kitsûe :- Kitsûe is a Japanese term meaning “kitchen knife.” It is the type of knife that is used in the kitchens of Japan. These knives have been used in Japan for centuries and are still popular in most Japanese kitchens. This short guide provides complete information about kitsûe that you need to know. Here we tell you, what is kitsûe? Most Important facts you should know about kitsûe.Kitsûe is a homophone, a Japanese loanword from the Chinese character. The first character of Kitsûe means “north,” and the second character means “beans.” Generally, this character is used to describe the shape of the bean that looks like foxes. It is a Japanese rice cake traditionally made from glutinous rice, sugar, and egg. You can also call it “rice cake.” Kitsûe is often flavored with various ingredients, including green tea or azuki beans, and is typically eaten as a snack or dessert. Glutinous rice flour, the main ingredient of kitsûe, is a type of starch with a high viscosity, which means it becomes thick when boiled. This property of glutinous rice starch makes it an ideal choice for making sweets like kitsûe.



Read more :- https://dreamswatching.com/what-is-kitsue-how-it-is-work/



