What causes belly fat in females over 50

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Eat lots of vegetables and high-fiber foods:
Vegetables and foods rich in viscous or soluble fiber (not all fiber is the same) significantly favor weight loss. Soluble fiber stands out for its ability to reduce appetite and decrease calorie intake. When it reaches our intestine, it for

Eat lots of vegetables and high-fiber foods:

Vegetables and foods rich in viscous or soluble fiber (not all fiber is the same) significantly favor weight loss. Soluble fiber stands out for its ability to reduce appetite and decrease calorie intake. When it reaches our intestine, it forms a kind of gel that delays the emptying of the stomach and, at the same time, increases the duration of the process of digestion and absorption of nutrients

What foods contain this type of fiber?

The Brussels sprouts, sweet potatoes, legumes , the oats , flax seeds and asparagus are just a few examples of sources of soluble fiber.

Eliminate refined vegetable oils from your diet:

Vegetable oils are extracted from seeds and vegetables such as soybeans, cotton, rapeseed ( canola ), sunflower... Its preparation consists of a very unnatural process that involves exposure to high temperatures, deodorization and the use of toxic solvents, resulting in an artificial oil and full of harmful substances. One of the main problems of refined vegetable oils is that they have too high a content of omega 6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, whose excessive consumption:

  • It causes inflammation.
  • Increases the risk of numerous diseases such as diabetes, cancer or heart disease.

Refined vegetable oils are also considered as "empty" calories, because during their preparation all beneficial nutrients that naturally contain the seed or plant from which it is derived are removed.

But that is not all…

Vegetable oils are rich in trans fats, a type of toxic fat associated with many diseases.

Note: the oil extra virgin olive and coconut oil does not fall within the category of refined vegetable oils and their consumption is completely healthy and wise.

Avoid foods with trans fats:

Artificial or industrial trans fats are hydrogenated fats that are produced by introducing hydrogen molecules into a vegetable oil. This process is called hydrogenation and is used to make vegetable oils and alter their chemical structure  Tran’s fats are especially toxic and numerous studies have linked them to diabetes, heart disease, inflammation and abdominal obesity.

What foods contain trans fat?

These fats are present in a wide variety of foods that we consume very often, processed foods. Some examples of foods high in trans fats are salty and sweet snacks, commercial dressings, ice cream and precooked food, among many others. Finally, it is important to note that foods that tend to contain trans fats are also loaded with added sugars (back to point 2), so they contribute doubly to weight gain.

Focus on food and not so much on calories:

The important thing at the time of losing weight is not so much the restriction of calories, but rather the correct election of integral foods and of a single ingredient, that is to say, natural and, therefore, healthy. Of course, this does not mean that calories are not involved in weight loss, since we all know that to lose weight it is obvious that you have to burn more calories than we consume. What I want you to understand with this last point is that it is useless to limit calories if this reduces the consumption of meat or fruit, but you still eat junk food.







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