While it was developing Classic Two groups of players emerged

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Additionally, spells have been formatted , reformed and formatted many times throughout time, and ironically WOTLK Classic Gold, Zierhut was the one who was responsible for much of the formatting of spell scripts for the retail version of World of Warcraft in the past. "And we'll have to do it all again!" he lamented.

"Now now we've got the Lich King version that never got fixed." Wrath of the Lich King was the first game to have unique spell scripts that could be attached to diverse difficulties of spells however, the increasing complexity of the Warcraft code means they needed to be re-written to function with Game Engine.

Wrath of the Lich King Classic will adjust the balance of class to the level it was at the end of the expansion's lifespan the way it was in the previous expansions. This ensures all the classes -- including the massively overpowered Death Knight hero class introduced in Wrath of the Lich King -- will work on the power levels they were intended to operate on.

One of the most difficult decisions World of Warcraft had to make was to decide what to do with the old Classic servers. While it was developing Classic Two groups of players emerged. "There were people who wanted to go back and go through the expansions again," Birmingham explained, "And there was another group that desired the game as it was. We're trying to make sure that we honor the promises made to both of them."

This is why World of Warcraft Classic is maintaining the Vanilla server frozen in the present, while advancing across all Burning Crusade servers to Wrath of the Lich King once it goes live. Of course.

It is expected that the Vanilla Classic servers continue to recreate experiences with Seasons of Mastery to ensure it doesn't get old and World of Warcraft Classic could explore the possibility of having Season of Mastery servers with other Burning Crusade and other past expansions if there is a need for it.

The range and complexity in World of Warcraft varies greatly in each expansion pack for instance, Wrath of the Lich King isn't an exception. The server that began as a basic Vanilla Legacy server will only grow in scope as Classic remains in existence. This begs the question as to the future of World of Warcraft Classic.

"Classic releases content earlier than the original game did," Zierhut said, "On the contrary, we would like to be able to release content this quickly. It wasn't possible buy WOTLK Classic Gold." In a variety way, it's the schedule Classic is able to maintain is more similar to what World of Warcraft would have would have wanted.
