How A Biometric Access Control System Works

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In earlier days, password system invented first for security. As time progress, hackers found the approaches to break the password security systems.

From then on identity cards invented. Still, in certain companies this technique is working. It is good and fast and has various other advantages as well.

However, the problem arrives at more confidential places or resources still involve some doubt in mind. Can it be enough for security? I think, no not at all. We want a more secure system which concerns various other factors. Biometric access control systems will be the answer.

As I have stated earlier, it is based on several physical and behavioral aspects.

Physical Traits

They're linked to shape of our body. Let's take some example. Fingerprint, it should be unique for all people. Palm print is another trait. Face recognition is another one. In face recognition, the factors include distance between two eyes, distance between nose and ear, size of the nose, any blot, blemish etc. Latest technology contains eye retina scan. Over-all, all the factors which uniquely identify a person Lightning Protection Price in Bangladesh

Behavioral Traits

They're linked to behavior of the person. For example, typing rhythm. System requires typing some words and identifying the person based on the rhythm. Other trait is gait; a small difference should be there in the gait of each people.
