Shared web hosting: In this type of hosting services, the resources are shared with other subscribers on a high-quality server. The performance of the website may be affected in the event of server pressure caused by other sites. Usually the cost of this type of hosting service is very low, and this type is suitable for small websites that are not expected to receive a large number of visitors at one time. Reseller web hosting: This hosting service is very similar to the shared hosting service, except that it is equipped with a number of tools that allow the subscriber to resell the space he rents, and if this is not the subscriber’s goal, it is not preferable to resort to this type of hosting service.
Cloud based web hosting: This service relies on cloud technology to run websites, where hundreds of distributed computing devices work with each other as one huge computer server with high specifications. This type of hosting differs from the shared hosting service, in that it is able to withstand great pressures on websites without the need to close them, and this service depends on the principle of payment for the volume of use only. Virtual Private Server (English: Virtual Private Server): A virtual private server is like an independent computer device, but it reserves its own resources by an independent server, as this independent server contains a number of virtual servers, each of which has its own resources, and thus One website is not affected by another even if they are on the same device. The prices for this type of hosting services range between 50-200 dollars, depending on the power of the CPU, in addition to the capacity of the random access memory (English: RAM) chosen. Dedicated Server: A computer is rented from the hosting company; So that the subscriber enjoys all his resources without sharing them with any other site. Dedicated servers start at $100, and the cost of hiring a system administrator may be added if the site owner wants to hire him to take care of the server’s technical tasks. It is preferable to resort to this type of hosting services when receiving a large number of visitors.