7 reasons why every guy should be wearing a watch

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Wearing a watch on a bracelet was considered strictly female fashion.

During World War I, soldiers who were tired of digging through their pockets for the ubiquitous pocket watch began wearing it on a bracelet around their wrists.
Until then, wearing a watch on a bracelet was considered strictly female fashion.

Wrist watches were initially mocked by the public as a silly trend, but they quickly became the norm as their practicality rendered pocket watches obsolete.

Some may argue that wrist watches are becoming increasingly obsolete.

1. Watches are valuable.
Phones do not keep you on time. Watches are used.
I don't need a watch because I have a phone, is a common response from a generation that is beginning to question the dangers of constant cellphone use. Fishing for a cell phone on a regular basis to check the time appears desperate.

A quick glance at your wrist is a much more elegant way to keep track of time during a date or meeting. Not to mention how impolite it would appear to your conversation partners if you pulled out your phone during a conversation.

2. Watches serve a purpose.
Any item inspired by the military serves a purpose. Wrist watches are included.
Wrist watches were first used by the military in the 19th century to synchronise manoeuvres during battle. Divers have used specialised watches in the depths of the ocean since then, as have aviators high in the sky.

One of the major advantages of a watch – especially over a smartphone – is how long it can operate in the field. Many watches are designed to be self-powered by motion or to use a small amount of energy from a battery. Consider years of maintenance-free time telling in comparison to a smart phone's 8 hours!

3. Watches make life easier.
The best watches do not make use of cutting-edge technology. They run on ingenious mechanical clockwork technology that predates electricity. So, when your phone's battery dies, you can rely on the technology that keeps running on your wrist.
When you wear a watch, you are less likely to use your phone as a distraction. Checking the phone for the time frequently leads to a rabbit-trail of activities such as checking every messenger app, email, and Facebook.

When it comes to something as important as time, a one-of-a-kind device to measure and manage it is justified.

4. Watches indicate fashion.
The watch I'm wearing right now (a previous release from The Fifth Watches) has gotten more attention than any other item in my closet.
There is a limited selection of acceptable jewellery for men. Many men will only be seen with three main accessories on their hands: a nice watch, a stylish pair of cuff links, and, if they're married, a simple wedding band.

Wristwatches not only help wearers keep track of their schedules, but they also allow them to show off their sense of style. They are a form of self-expression, with hints of danger, adventure, and sports depending on the brand.

5. Watches represent craftsmanship.
A wrist watch is more than just a timepiece. It is a symbol of tradition and history encased in an exquisite work of art.
Many men are unaware that they are wearing works of art on their wrists. Some watchmakers work on a single watch for several months, hand-designing complex pieces of technology.
It's intricate art at the pinnacle of human ingenuity and creativity.
Art on a watch can take many forms. The dial can literally be a painting, or the instrument's design is pure art. Many people are as fascinated by the movement as they are by the dial and case.

6. Watches make excellent heirlooms.
A timepiece is not only the quintessential gift; it is also the quintessential heirloom. Whatever your philosophy on death is, we can all agree that people can live on through the memories of those who knew them.
Owning timepieces from another era serves as a reminder of those who came before you. Having one of their watches makes you think of them in a genuine way. They were wearing the same watches, which show signs of use, care, and love.
A watch collection can also be considered a legacy. It doesn't have to be a mini treasure trove – but leaving your watch(es) to someone you care about is essentially passing down values that were important to you.

7. Watches assist you in developing a relationship with time.
Men have been obsessed with time-telling devices since the days of the sundial (and probably before). A reminder that we only have so much time.

My attitude toward time improves when I wear a watch. I am more conscious of how I spend my 24 hours.
There is a passionate community of watch collectors and makers who delve into the finer points of watchmaking and collecting.
As a hobby, maintaining a watch collection is far easier and less expensive.
A watch can be worn by anyone. Wearing a watch is an excellent way to add interest to an outfit, particularly if you are a man.
