Why Choose PrestaShop For Creating An Online eCommerce Store?

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Choosing the right platform for creating an online store is essential for any business. Numerous platforms give free services for creating an online store; some are paid.

Choosing the right platform for creating an online store is essential for any business. Numerous platforms give free services for creating an online store; some are paid. Prestashop is one of the free, open-source platforms that allow you to produce a unique online store.

Prestashop development is a highly customizable, award-winning eCommerce platform that comes with free results. You can fluently produce an online store as per your business conditions.

Prestashop is an excellent option for small and medium-sized eCommerce businesses. It's stoner-friendly, easy to make, supports multilingual languages, multiple currencies, etc.

ThemeVolty provides numerous eCommerce Website template platforms on Stylish Free PrestaShop Themes, Responsive BigCommerce Themes, Shopify Themes, OpenCart Themes, and WooCommerce Themes.

You can get a Prestashop theme that relates to your business from a business called Webbazaar Templates. It also provides Web Services related to websites and Prestashop modules that will help you ease your work and customise your store as per your conditions.

Let's talk about the benefits that will give you reasons to use PrestaShop

1. Easy to Use

PrestaShop is a seductive choice that spins around the fact that it's easy to use. You don't have to master yourself with technical chops to set up your store. Instead, it's as simple as downloading add-ons and installing them, and you'll be covered.

2. SEO friendly

PrestaShop Themes are designed SEO friendly so you can upload content consequently. It also helps you rank advanced in hunt machines to drive further business to your store organically.

3. Mobile Friendly

PrestaShop is a mobile-friendly eCommerce platform that gives mobility to your website. The dereliction template for this platform has a mobile-optimised wain icing that can penetrate your point from any bias similar to mobile, tablets, and computers. However, the stoner interface remains the same for this platform across the bias.

4. Cost Free Result

PrestaShop is an open-source platform, so it's available for free with no withdrawal charges. Just download the platform, install it, and start creating your store. You don't need to perform any new tasks to get started with PrestaShop eCommerce development.

5. Customising store

Open Source is a way to go if you want to have a unique sense. Creating a memorable brand is crucial to your long-term success in the vastly competitive world of eCommerce business.

To customise your online store, you'll need two modules. One that will help you make quick edits and another advanced module that will help you change the canons to customise your store as you want.


You can also buy ready-to-use templates from PrestaShop certified mates. By paying them lower than$ 90 for a high-quality template theme, you can edit it, add your products and services, and start dealing.

6. Effective tools to manage your online products

Using PrestaShop, you can exercise better control over your online immolations. Finally, you're able to engage in the daily operation of your online goods. PrestaShop allows you to classify your products under colourful leads.

Thus allowing online callers to reuse the excellent online shopping experience. With Prestashop, you can advertise your immolations under the "Discounted products" and "Products with no shipping cost" made possible when installing the product operation module.

7. Product creation

PrestaShop features an inbuilt product creation area where you can list products as much as you want. You can also compose features to display the expiry dates for sensitive products. Also, you can sell downloadable products using PrestaShop.

Piecemeal from this, you can manage your force and set restocking cautions whenever a product is about to go out of stock. It also includes an SEO section where you can add meta title, meta description, Etc.

8. Google Rich Snippet

The total number of people searching for products on google shows that ranking SERP ( Search machine result runner) is compelling. Rich particles are canons that make it easy for a hunting machine to organise information.

This offers the capability to see products they search for and compare prices. This is why you should add google rich particles to your products link and boost your SEO sweats.


The google rich grain is in the PrestaShop add-ons business. Please take advantage of it to facilitate your reach and give a great shopping experience for callers.

9. Payment Processing

To produce your point entirely functional for accepting payments, you need to set up a payment gateway. PrestaShop has over 250 payments and provides add-ons. In addition, PrestaShop supports a wide range of payment gateways similar to PayPal, Stripe, amazon pay, and Payoneeretc.

In comparison, PrestaShop has only four payment options: Bank transfer, Stripe, PayPal, and Check payments.

10. Security

The interpretation of Prestashop is PCI biddable ready, which means you'll have to do this process by yourself. So you'll have to buy an SSL instrument and regularly check in on the security form.

On the other hand, the Prestashop-ready interpretation has a streamlined security account for you because it's hosted on the google cloud platform that includes a free SSL instrument.

11. Add-ons and Integrations

Prestashop has numerous integrations available in the business. You'll find some modules for free, while others are available with a one-time purchase payment.

It's a fact that adding integrations to boost your website using Prestashop can be more precious than top eCommerce website builders like Wix and Shopify.

The alternate bone is generally the contract destroyer for utmost merchandisers. Unfortunately, the modules are created by different inventors. Therefore, they may not be compatible, which may lead to a glitchy website, and Prestashop can not help out with this issue.

The Prestashop interpretation limits access to the integrated business. So, druggies only get to use the module's erected-in platform.

12. Multilingual Language Support

Prestashop supports more than 50 languages, so your store can be restated into numerous different languages so you can sell your products or services worldwide.

The points mentioned above are the benefits you can take if you start creating your online store using the Prestashop platform. If you have a small business, also this is the right platform for you to start dealing with your products online.

Webbazaar Templates provides numerous Web services, such as PSD to PrestaShop, PSD to BigCommerce, PSD to OpenCart, Website Design Inspection Service, Standard Installation Service, Etc.

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