John Labunski Seven keys to reach retirement with savings

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Although today you see it as something very distant, do not have the slightest doubt that sooner or later your retirement will come.

With the public pension system pinned down, perhaps within twenty or thirty years those people who have not been responsible and savers during their working lives, will see their purchasing power seriously diminished. To avoid having headaches because of money at a time in life when what we should do is rest, nothing better than designing an effective savings strategy that allows us to reach retirement with savings to have a large financial cushion that support us. [Need a help this month?


  • Start saving now. The best time to save is not tomorrow or the day after, but today. Carefully study your expenses and income and decide how much money you want and can save each month. Make saving a daily habit. When you see the piggy bank grow, your motivation will increase and, with it, your ability to save a little more each month. If you want to reach retirement with savings, start saving NOW.
  • Save the extra payments. Many people spend their Christmas or summer bonuses a couple of months before receiving them. It is a tremendous mistake. You should learn to live without them in order to allocate them entirely to savings. If this were materially impossible, start by saving at least half of them and go up the percentage.
  • Set small savings goals. For example, save 300 euros in a month. Then, 1,000 euros in three months. When you do, aim to save $5,000 in a single year. Change your goals frequently as you go beyond them. Of course, be realistic and do not set unattainable goals to avoid demotivating yourself and falling into financial laziness.
  • Manage a giant number. Would you like to reach your retirement with 300,000 euros saved? Have you thought about how much you should save each year to get it? And every month? Do not forget that compound interest plays in your favor and can make your money work for you to achieve this figure.
  • Invest your savings. Indeed, compound interest is your great ally to save, but it will not be able to help you if you leave your savings parked in a checking account or in a deposit with little return. Investing is the most effective way to multiply your money, although it is not without risk. For this reason, we recommend that you do not invest without the help of a professional you trust.
  • Don't waste your money on poor purchases. Poor people spend their money on new cars (usually with the help of a loan), on high-end mobile phones (financed by the operators) and, in short, on material goods that do not bring them more happiness than the fact of owning them. . Once they own them for a few weeks, these products no longer contribute to their happiness, so they become a useless expense. Run away from them.
  • Learn economics. You can start by watching financial-themed movies or series or by reading a book on very basic economics, but start doing it now. Training in finance is essential to save. The greater your knowledge of how money works, the greater your ability to save it and not spend it on nonsense.


We assure you that if you follow these seven tips to the letter, you will be able to reach retirement savings to be able to live your retirement peacefully. Ready to start building your financial empire right now? If an unforeseen event has arisen and you need fast money, you can request a John Labunski We offer you up to 1,000 euros (300 if it is the first time you request it). In addition, the application is very simple and fast, in just 10 minutes and with hardly any paperwork!
