If you don't want to lose purchasing power, plan your retirement

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There is no doubt that pensioners have managed to jump onto the media agenda. With their large rallies and protests they have managed to make enough noise for the press to echo their demands. It seems that there is a willingness to listen to these demands, but to what extent?

The truth is that studies carried out by independent entities speak of a sharp cut in the first pension due to the changes made to date in the public system. According to these studies, in the coming years, the first benefit will surely go from 78% to 70% of the last salary.

The fate of pensions seems to be a significant loss of purchasing power

The reforms carried out in Social Security between 2018 and 2021 seem to be paving the way for this through changes known to all as:

  • delay retirement age
  • extend the computation period to calculate the benefit
  • the Pension Revaluation Index
  • The Sustainability Factor, which will take into account the life expectancy of the new retirees as yet another factor when calculating and setting the first pension.

In this scenario, studies say that the cut in the entry pension can reach 17%.

But the people who have dedicated most of their time to work, to carve out a future, either as employees or as self-employed, care little about all this. It is their specific situation, yours, mine, that really matters to us.

How are all these changes and trends going to impact public pensions? It's early to know. There are many positions. Some think that public pensions will simply disappear; others believe that they will continue to exist, but under very restrictive conditions.

We do not know what the world will be like in that uncertain future. Not the economy. Neither the health.

  • The only thing we know is what we can do to protect our interests. Yours.
  • The solution to avoid the loss of purchasing power is this: plan your retirement.

So, if you haven't planned your retirement yet, it's time to start a plan to save your purchasing power, your personal and family finances. Talk later? Come, sit down and talk with us and we will see what your best option is John Labunski.
