Players are hoping Path of Exile 2 will be released before 2024

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If all goes well, Path of Exile 2 will be released by 2024.

If all goes well, Path of Exile 2 will be released by 2024. With marketing, hype is an important part of the gaming scene. It boosts the popularity of upcoming games and even allows small game developers more money to spend on their passion projects. It also gives players enough time to prepare POE PC Currency for a better gaming experience. However, when there’s a delay, it kills the hype, which kills the game.

Path of Exile’s sequel, Path of Exile 2, will have a full release in 2024, with the beta delayed to 2023. The good news is that GGG didn’t make the game hastily because of the time crunch. And the bad news is that players will have no choice but to wait a few more years to play the sequel to the now legendary ARPG. Although this may make players wait a long time, they will also be able to experience the new expansion that the game brings.

From 2022 to 2024, this is too long. It originally announced the development of Path of Exile 2 at ExileCon, a conference dedicated to discussing the plans Grinding Gear Games had for its game. The sequel made headlines back in 2019, with previous news about the Path of Exile 4.0 update being revealed during the convention. It’s worth noting, however, that GGG never talked about a PoE release date during that time.

Players are only given a definite time frame after the release of the trailer and game overview/trailer. The sequel to Path of Exile was initially expected to launch in the fourth quarter of 2022, but unfortunately, that no longer seems to be the case. It’s not just a one-year delay here, either. It will release path of Exile 2 in 2024 at the most, and around the end of 2023, but that’s the earliest. So players can look forward to it and buy POE PC Currency on POECurrency to be fully prepared. If they need more news, players can follow it.
