Har Ghar Bijli scheme was launched by the Chief Minister of the Government of Bihar, Nitish Kumar, through this scheme, the Bihar government will provide electricity to every house in the state, through this scheme, the government will provide electricity to 5000000 houses in the state and also through electricity Will also solve related problems.

Har Ghar Bijli :हर घर बिजली योजना, 50 लाख घरों को Free बिजली

Har Ghar Bijli :हर घर बिजली योजना, 50 लाख घरों को Free बिजली

Har Ghar Bijli : बिहार सरकार Harghar Bijli योजना के माध्यम से राज्य के हर घर बिजली उपलब्ध कराएगी Ghar Ghar Bijli,App, har ghar bijli rrf registration