But, I personally would not call PvP in RuneScape gold the current combat system "dead combat," though it's an opinion. I'm inclined to agree that combating the majority of non-boss monsters within the current system is pretty boring, but it's likely to remain that way.
EoC won't make fighting non-boss monsters fun... It'll just make you spam capabilities. I've PvP'ed in the live game and it's great. The Beta phase of PvP'ing... Right now, it's great. Everyone gets Full Torva/Pernix/chaotics whatever.
But nobody ventures out into the wild risking Torva and pernix. This means that you can have one hit at a 4000 while running - or something like a 4000, for instance, just stun them, and then hit them a handful of times. - they'll die easily. I'm not interested in PvP'ing anymore. Which is a shame, at least, unless I'm using OP'd out swifts or goliaths.
I've read up on the guides for The Fight Kiln but I still have a few questions about it. If I don't have prayers for Augury or Ragour, should I be on curses? If so , what creatures should I SoulSplit with, if there is any? If I have dreadnips may I use those on the dills as well as bank my pickaxe?
Do you think tanking Jad's Ganodermic legs and top possible or do I need to pray and switch to a flinch or pray? If I bring 2 tort pouches and the unicorn pouch as well as scrolls, do I need to substitute brews for these? I will also be filling a Tort with brews before entering. Please answer my questions and provide me with buy fire cape osrs any other suggestions, its very much appreciated.