Ideas for making your packaging more sustainable

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Ideas for making your packaging more sustainable

Recycled or reusable packaging. paper cone cups Maximize the use of recycled materials in your design to make recyclable packaging elements last longer. For example, using recycled paper in your packaging inserts shows customers that you take sustainability seriously. green paper cups Designing packaging with reusable options, such as branded tote bags, also helps to create a more circular raw material economy.
Plant-based packaging. The number of plant-based packaging options has increased dramatically in the past few years. E-commerce companies can look for biodegradable packaging alternatives, such as compressed plant fibres such as shredded mushrooms and coconut. 5oz paper cup These are often by-products of industries such as agriculture and help minimize waste in the supply chain. For example, our compostable mail is made from corn starch as an alternative to plastic poly mail. Creating this bio-based polymer uses just 0.05% of the global annual corn crop, making it a very low-impact design.
Alternatives to paper made from materials such as bamboo or sugar cane are also growing in popularity. paper cup 5oz As an alternative to traditional petroleum-based inks used in custom printing. It goes without saying that we only use renewable soy ink. In this way, we can provide you with quality custom toilet paper and sustainable packaging solutions.
Eco-vouchers are another development that is influencing the purchase choices of consumers and businesses. cone shaped paper cups FSC certification assures that paper items with FSC labels come from responsibly managed forests and supply chains. All of our packaging is FSC-certified and we strive every day to be a leader in innovation and sustainability. For more environmentally friendly packaging ideas, check out our dedicated blog post!

As the environment becomes a more prominent issue, it will continue to be important for businesses to adopt sustainable packaging. Fortunately, custom printed paper cups there are more green packaging solutions on the market than ever before -- custom printed paper coffee cups and they're more affordable too! This is a great way for your business to reduce its carbon footprint while also giving you a competitive advantage in your industry. So we encourage you to find new ways to "stay green" in your packaging design!
