Cowboys 4 Tiers of Talent What Level is

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Cowboys 4 Tiers of Talent What Level is

FRISCO - Thursday marked workout, and And at the end of the day? His coach, Mike McCarthy, dangled a carrot by labeling the second-year star as something shy of elite.McCarthy took Maury Wills Jersey a moment to detail his four-category breakdown of NFL talent when he was asked Thursday about where Parsons is and where the Pro Bowler and reigning Defensive Rookie of the Year might be going.I think its important to recognize that every one of these players is a really good football player, McCarthy Pedro Baez Jersey said. Theres no such thing as, He cant play here, or That guy is Theyre all really good players.There are, in McCarthys mind 1) Good players.2) Good players who, he said, have great moments.3) Thenthe third category, McCarthy said, is great players that are just individually able to perform at an extremely high level consistently.And then there is one more level The highest level, McCarthy said, is an elite player - one who consistently performs like a star while also lifting teammates to their highest plane.Scroll to ContinueObviously Micah had a lot of great moments last Logan Forsythe Jersey year, but our desire and it needs to be his desire is for him to be an elite player, not just a great player, McCarthy said. The elite ones bring everybody with them. How they work, how they compete in practice, how they compete in the weight room, how they compete at garbage-can basketball in the locker room.He has an opportunity to really make a huge impact in our football team.The beauty of 2021 first-round pick Parsons - who has obviously heard this pep talk from McCarthys own mouth - Custom Jersey is that hes Austin Barnes Jersey not insulted by the must-do-more characterization.He gets it. He wants more.Its going to be a little different, Micah said of a Year 2 in which offenses will focus even more on limiting him. Its going to be more challenging. But I never back down from a challenge.The great ones just find a way.And the elite ones, McCarthy is telling Parsons, do even more.