Trends that will critically impact the development of iOS apps in 2022

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The blog includes a list of the top iOS app development trends, iHome, iBeacons, better watchOS, augmented reality, and more. Read it to learn more!

One of the IT industry's most promising and well-liked areas is iOS app development. It makes sense, given that analysts project that by 2023, sales from mobile apps will have exceeded $935 billion globally.

Businesses work hard to adapt to the shifting requirements of the public. Additionally, customers get access to over 25,000 new iOS apps published monthly. Therefore, you should consider iOS app development trends to maintain your top industry rankings. Otherwise, you run the chance of losing out altogether to your rivals and falling to the position of a second-place participant.

  1. Swift

Choosing an appropriate programming language is the first step in the process. Swift has made a name for itself as a straightforward, user-friendly technology for iOS trusted developers. It is frequently utilized by teams working on iOS apps at major corporations like Apple, LinkedIn, Slack, SkyGuide, etc.

What then makes Swift so useful and efficient for creating iOS apps? First, iOS app developers can concentrate on writing logical, high-quality code thanks to advantages like compatibility, stable APIs and modules, straightforward syntax, and many others.

  1. Artificial intelligence and machine learning

In iOS mobile development, ML and AI are not fresh concepts. Without face and speech recognition, search suggestions, Siri, text and picture categorization, and other comparable features, it would be not easy to envision an iOS app being successful.

All these functionalities are now necessary for creating bespoke iOS apps and significantly raise the calibre of your final project. Because of this, ML and AI implementation will continue to be a key trend for iOS in 2022 and beyond.

  1. Virtual/Augmented Reality

One of the most recently adopted trends in iOS programming is augmented reality. On iOS platforms, every area of human endeavour has seen AR-mania in recent years. Take Pokemon Go or the animated masks and stickers on Instagram or Snapchat as examples of how popular it is in the entertainment industry.

However, augmented reality also penetrates various industries, including marketing, medicine, design, etc. Giants like IKEA or L'Oreal adopted this trend in iOS app development to allow customers to view how their items seem in the setting in which they would be used, facilitating and streamlining the decision-making process.

  1. HomeKit and IoT

The Internet of Things illustrates how crucial it is to link iOS app development to developments in users' daily lives, and iPhone's trusted developer can only execute it. It is a technology that enables people to easily utilize all of their gadgets by connecting them to a single system.

Apple unveiled a unique home automation framework named HomeKit in June 2014. It makes it possible to operate IoT devices from an iPhone or Apple Watch and integrate devices from many suppliers into a single IoT ecosystem. In addition, Siri, a voice-activated personal assistant, can also operate various gadgets, including lights, garage doors, safes, locks, thermostats, fans, blinds, coffee makers, and a lot more.

  1. App Clips

How do you create an iOS application that users can access without downloading? The answer and one of the current iOS app trends are App Clips. With this technology, consumers may test out a portion of a programme before purchasing the complete version.

App Clips are often simple and serve a single purpose, such as paying the bill, booking a hotel room, renting a bike, and doing other similar tasks. Users may download this lightweight (less than 10 MB) functioning programme mini-versions instantly after scanning a certain QR code, clicking a link, or travelling to a specific place.

  1. CloudKit

In the list of the top iOS app development trends for 2022, cloud-based iOS apps should have their section. This is because they can manage, store, and manage vast volumes of data without degrading the user experience.

An iOS app may now be created by iphone app developers using the data storage and transfer mechanism known as CloudKit. As a result, complex jobs may now be completed with less restriction, and users' expectations can now be met.

  1. Wearable

Modern markets are dominated by wearable technology and accessories like smartwatches and fitness trackers. In 2022, there will be more than 1 billion linked wearables worldwide, according to statistics. The fact that these gadgets are so widely available may be to blame for their enormous appeal; user groups differ greatly by age, gender, occupation, and country.

  1. iBeacon

Businesses may now use a developing BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) technology called iBeacon to improve any purchasing experience, particularly in the retail sector. It can operate within buildings and is significantly more precise than GPS.

Potential consumers can get highly targeted marketing messages via iBeacon as they walk close by, including promotions, coupons, adverts, reminders, etc. This new technology will fundamentally alter how companies interact with their customers.

  1. Chatbots

The term "AI-driven chatbots" has become very popular in iOS mobile development. One of the current trends in iOS app development is using these programmes to replace a team of personnel in a firm. Many businesses have chosen to use this technology in their applications and websites.

  1. Safety Security

Although privacy concerns are often ranked last among the most recent iOS trends, they are an important factor to consider when creating iOS apps. Passwords to social networks, banking websites, and other websites, as well as app data, chat history, search queries, and more, are all stored on modern smartphones. In addition, users' sensitive data must be safeguarded due to the increased number of hackers.

Cybersecurity issues seriously hurt enterprises. The average cost of a data breach was $4.24 million in 2021. High levels of security also encourage more users to use the app since they feel certain that their data is secure.


iOS app development has new chances thanks to modern tools and solutions. That being said, it doesn't mean Android apps developer are not giving solid competition to iOS developers. On the contrary, both iOS Android professionals are qualified to enhance the technical quality of the apps, streamline the development process, and enhance user experience.

It could seem like a time- and energy-consuming undertaking to create an iOS app. After all, it might be challenging to keep up with all the most recent fashions, let alone the actual technical manifestation of those trends. Thus, your best action may be to hire a reliable iOS app development agency like AppStudio.
